Year 2, n.6 April – June 2012 Citazione

Year 2, n.6 (April – June 2012)

curated by Paola Bommarito

“Some hand down the things making them intangible and preserving them; some others the situations,sharing with other people and winding them up”. This quotation is a zip between past and present as interrupts the present speech in order to recall the past and insert it as a fragment.This condition regards the actual speech, maintaining at the same time the possibility, wafting around as a ghost, of a further penetration of the text through different speeches. Collecting the mean of a fragment means to make it forceful again, throughout the impact produced in a new imagination. This quotation is a formation of memory through repetition. It’s return and discovery, need and desire. It has filling functions, oversupplying a fracture. Even the writing of the history may be defined as a quotation through which the historical object is pulled out from his contest and preserved in order to be finally readable. All kinds of quotations mantain a spatio-temporal, stretching over in the time and, in the continuous feedback of its pulsation, doesn’t allow any prediction on its end.

Quotations from: W. Benjamin, Il carattere distruttivo (l’orrore del quotidiano); N. Pethes, J. Ruchatz, Dizionario della memoria e del ricordo; W. Benjamin, I Passages di Parigi; G. Bedoni, Visionari. Sogno arte e follia in Europa.